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Charts Tool

This tool handles all .rwtv files. These are the trend/chart definition files. All widgets and chart views are loaded from files from this tool. The .rwtv files are possible to configure in a Widget, and as a view. They can be accessable from dashboard as Widget content, when a Widget is clicked, or as a stand alone Link Icon.

Chart Tool

Name Description Default
Name The technical name of the chart Mandatory
Time Span The default initial time span for x-axis domain 24 h
X-axis auto scroll If No, the x-domain is not following realtime data fetch updates Yes
Axes auto timeout If scrolled back in time, this is the wait time before auto scroll forward to "Now" (If pause button in UI is pressed, this timer cancels and user needs to click play) 1 min
Comment Internal helper text for configuration None
Filters Dynamic filter attribute, see more in Dynamic Filters section. None
ServerSide callee wamp method called for all filter event updates
Server Side JS The SSF attribue, read more about ServerSideFunctions. None

Analog Chart

Analog Chart

Name Description Default
Border If Yes, a border is displayed around the chart Yes
Grid If Yes, a grid is displayed in chart as helper grid lines Yes



Name Description Default
Name The context local technical name of the signal Mandatory
Unit Used for automatic matching of signals degree C
MinValue Axis bottom value 0
MaxValue Axis top value 100
Auto If Yes, Auto sets the axis range automatic based on the max and min value of all connected signals in the current x axis date range Yes
Visible Indicates if axis should be visible Yes
Show values If Yes, axis values are presented next to axis Yes
Location Left or Right Left

Analog Signal

Analog Signal

Name Description Default
Name The context local technical name of the signal Mandatory
Signal The signal name in database, used for fetching historical data None
Value The bound variable for real time data fetching (Trend) None
Title The user friendly signal text Name value
Unit The signals unit None
User Description User friendly description of signal (for future presentation) None
Color Signal color in chart Next available color
Y-axis Which axis the signal is bound to Auto based on unit
Decimals Number of decimals presented in chart view 2
Line Width Not used (future use) None
Visible If No, the signal is initially hidden Yes
Tolerance The lower value, the more detailed signal data is presented. A low value on tolerance can trigger heavy fetching of data Medium (0.5)

Digital Chart

Digital Signal

Digital Signal

Alarm Signal

Alarm Signal


Name Description Default
Name The context local technical name of the signal Mandatory
Signal The signal name in database, used for fetching historical data None
Value The bound variable for real time data fetching (Trend) None
Title The user friendly caption for signal in views Name value
Color The signal color Auto
Visible If No the signal is initially hidden Yes

Auto Title for signals

The title of a AnalogSignal, DigitalSignal or AlarmSignal is auto fetched from database if:

  • The Title is default, or has the value of Name value.
  • The Signal attribute is configured for the signal.

Auto Unit for Analog Signals

The Unit (and auto axis selection based on unit) is auto fetched from database if:

  • The Unit is empty.
  • The Signal attribute is configured for the signal.


The tolerance number is a factor. The factor indicates how much the signal should be flatten. No min/max values in the x-domain range is lost, only the data between. The lower value, the more data.